“The Emerald Gala” – Celebrating our 20th Anniversary
Deeply Rooted. Growing Together.
On February 4th, 2023, we celebrated the kick off of our 20th Anniversary Year with our Winter Celebration! All year long we will celebrate the creativity of our teachers, coaches and program leaders, and YOUR generosity in bringing their GREAT IDEAS to light!!
Funds raised support innovative academic, athletic, and cultural programs that are beyond the reach of the regular school district budget.
On February 4th, 2023, we celebrated the kick off of our 20th Anniversary Year with our Winter Celebration! All year long we will celebrate the creativity of our teachers, coaches and program leaders, and YOUR generosity in bringing their GREAT IDEAS to light!!
Funds raised support innovative academic, athletic, and cultural programs that are beyond the reach of the regular school district budget.
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Thank you Michael Salerno for the beautiful photographs! Follow him on Instagram @mikesal218
"The Emerald Gala" - celebrated 20 years of care and commitment to the growth of our school community and its students.
We are deeply rooted and growing together - looking back and planning ahead.
We are deeply rooted and growing together - looking back and planning ahead.